Google Analytics SHAREit Tip - Setting Email Notifications - STAGING POWER Library

SHAREit Tip – Setting Email Notifications

Access PA SHAREit can send you email notifications about both borrower and lender requests.

To set up email notifications, go to the Staff Notices section in your Participant Record.

Borrower Emails: Where the notices should be sent; only one email address can be entered. Select the status changes for which want to receive notification:

  • NEW Request: Notification for new borrowing requests that have gone into Awaiting Approval status, pending approval to be sent (used for items owned by your library).
  • Conditional response: Notification for requests with a Conditional response by the lender.
  • Overdue notice: Notification when a request goes into Overdue status.
  • Recall request: Notification for requests that are being recalled by the lender.
  • Renew rejected response: Notification for renewal requests rejected by the lender.
  • Unfilled notice: Notification for requests that cannot be filled by any of the libraries in the lending string.
  • Retry notice: Notification for unfilled requests that you may opt to retry at a later date.
  • Lost/not returned notice: Notification for items not returned and marked as Lost by the lender.
  • Shipped notice: Notification for requests that have been marked as Shipped by the lender.

Lender Emails: Where the notices should be sent; only one email address can be entered. Select the status changes for which want to receive notification:

  • NEW Request: Notification upon receipt of new (Pending) lending requests.
  • Condition accepted response: Notification when a borrower has accepted your condition.
  • Renew request: Notification when a borrower requests a renewal.
  • Renew/overdue request: Notification when a borrower requests a renewal for an overdue item.
  • Cancel request: Notification when a borrower cancels a request.
  • An item not received notice: Notification when a request has not been marked as Received by the borrower within 14 days.
  • Overdue item not received notice: Notification when a request not been marked as Received by the borrower within 14 days and is now overdue.
  • Return notice: Notification when a borrower marks a request as Returned to your library.

NOTE: Staff email notifications will come from Auto-Graphics. For example, new requests show a “From” address of “ACCESSPAILLREQUEST@AUTO-GRAPHICS.COM” To be sure you don’t miss any email alerts, whitelist or set up a filter for messages from Auto-Graphics or containing “” Please contact HSLC if you experience any problems receiving email alert messages from SHAREit.