Google Analytics SHAREit Tip - Action: Check In - STAGING POWER Library

SHAREit Tip – Action: Check In

Attention lenders!

When an item is returned from the borrowing library, it will go into Returned status in your Request Manager. When the item is received back at your library, be sure to action the request Check In.


  • It puts the request into Complete status, meaning it has gone through the full request cycle and no further actions are required.
  • It allows the borrowing library to know the item has been returned and received and is not lost in transit.
  • It keeps the Returned list up to date and accurate. The borrower knows the item is still on its way to the lender and hasn’t been received yet, and the lender knows which items are on their way back.

For more information, see the SHAREit tip Request Status: Complete and the Lender’s ILL Status Definitions, posted under ILL Processing.