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Broadband Connectivity Project

PA Public Library Broadband Connectivity Project Results

Thanks for your interest and participation in the yearlong PA Public Library Broadband Connectivity project which ran from Jan 2014-Jan 2015.  The project had 3 main outcomes:

  1. Training: Tech Summit, 10 Sessions of Broadband 101, and 5 Webinars
  2. Assessments: 256 Self-Assessments and 20 On Site Assessments
  3. Micro-grants: Funded 84 contracts effecting 138 locations with $917,162

This page contains just a small sample of links and documents created during the PA Public Library Broadband Connectivity Project.

Check out these reference documents to learn some of the basics of technology planning for public libraries:

  • Broadband Quickguide: A two-page overview that outlines some of the basics of Internet Connectivity Decisions.   The guide provides information about Internet connectivity and offers a list of questions to start the conversation about your location’s contract for Internet service.  This document would also be ideal to share with a board of trustees as an introduction to the topic of updating your next Internet Service Provider contract.
  • Connectivity Glossary: If you are confused about a vocabulary word used by your Internet Service Provider, check this glossary to find a definition.
  • What’s On My Network and What Does It Do?  A two page document with terms, in alpha order, that explain fundamental concepts to understanding networks.

Links to View Recorded Webinars:  Use the links below to sign-in to watch recorded versions of webinars presented during the project:

  1. ISP Contracts: with Christopher Alberts:
    Associated Handout:  InternetServiceProviderContracts
  2. Creating an Inventory and a Technology Replacement Plan with Bob Kuntz: 
    Associated Handouts for this webinar include:
    InventoryTemplateSample:  Use this as a starting point to ensure you are tracking your hardware information as well as information about your software licenses.
    Technology Replacement Plan Sample:  This document is a sample to help you to outline a plan to replace your hardware on regular cycles, in order to keep your library’s technology useful for your community.
  3. Hiring a Technology Consultant with Bob Kuntz
    Download the handout: Questions to ask when hiring an IT consultant
  4. Technology Policies with Bob Kuntz:
    View some of these supplementary handouts that are samples of policies.  Please note, this is not an endorsement of a particular policy, as it is best to write policies to match your local situation, but this gives you a starting point for understanding policies and guidelines for good technology use by your customers and by your staff:
    Internet Acceptable Use Policy
    Access Guidelines
    Appropriate Use of Information Technology
    IT Staff Security Policy
    Password Guidelines
    Personal Computer Security Guidelines
    Third Party Network Access Policy
  1. PA Public Library Broadband Connectivity Project: Make the Broadband Connection, this closing message, which summarizes the project’s results, is presented by State Librarian Stacey Aldrich and Carrie Cleary.  It is available as an archived webinar in two parts due to the file size.
    PA Public Library Broadband Connectivity Project Webinar Part 1:  Part 1 is a summary presentation of results from the project with some next step ideas
    PA Public Library Broadband Connectivity Project Webinar Part 2: Part 2 is State Librarian Stacey Aldrich’s inspiring message and some Q&A

Access the slides here: CloseoutWebinarSlides

Thanks for being part of the results of this year long project!


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