Google Analytics Logos and Links - STAGING POWER Library

Logos and Links

All Pennsylvania libraries and organizations are welcome to use our POWER Library / Chat with a Librarian logo for linking to the Chat with a Librarian service from their web sites and for other promotional, non-commercial purposes. You may download the images by right-clicking on the images below and saving them to your computer OR use copy and paste the code from below which references the images stored on the Chat with a Librarian servers and provides a link to the Chat with a Librarian service. If using the copy and paste code, be sure to select the correct type of library from the tabs below.  For non-libraries linking to the service, please use the code found in the Public Library tab.

Please note that if your library is contributing staff time to the Chat with a Librarian service, you will be assigned a customized linking URL for your library. This URL will indicate to librarians staffing the service that patrons are entering from your library’s web site. Email us if further assistance is required.

Special Note: If you are utilizing the administrative module of an ILS or other system to add a link to Chat with a Librarian, please be sure to follow the instructions provided by your system. For example, if you are using Destiny, you would only enter the URL and not the entire copy and paste code provided below.

Copy and Paste Code: Please decide which image you would like to appear and copy the code below the image.

Web Button
PNG 150x119 [21kb]
<a href="">
<img src=""
alt="Chat with a Librarian Now - Live Answers to Your Questions, 24/7" width="150" height="119" border="0"></a>

Web Button
PNG 200x158 [29kb]
<a href="">
<img src=""
alt="Chat with a Librarian Now - Live Answers to Your Questions, 24/7" width="200" height="158" border="0"></a>

Web Button
PNG 250x198 [35kb]
<a href="">
<img src=""
alt="Chat with a Librarian Now - Live Answers to Your Questions, 24/7" width="250" height="198" border="0"></a>
Copy and Paste Code: Please decide which image you would like to appear and copy the code below the image.

Web Button
PNG 150x119 [21kb]
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Chat with a Librarian Now - Live Answers to Your Questions, 24/7" width="150" height="119" border="0"></a>

Web Button
PNG 200x158 [29kb]
<a href="">
<img src=""
alt="Chat with a Librarian Now - Live Answers to Your Questions, 24/7" width="200" height="158" border="0"></a>

Web Button
PNG 250x198 [35kb]
<a href="">
<img src=""
alt="Chat with a Librarian Now - Live Answers to Your Questions, 24/7" width="250" height="198" border="0"></a>
Copy and Paste Code: Please decide which image you would like to appear and copy the code below the image.

Web Button
PNG 150x119 [21kb]
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Chat with a Librarian Now - Live Answers to Your Questions, 24/7" width="150" height="119" border="0"></a>

Web Button
PNG 200x158 [29kb]
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Chat with a Librarian Now - Live Answers to Your Questions, 24/7" width="200" height="158" border="0"></a>

Web Button
PNG 250x198 [35kb]
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Chat with a Librarian Now - Live Answers to Your Questions, 24/7" width="250" height="198" border="0"></a>