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New EBSCO e-Book titles (July 2018)

Etched in Stone Bassett-Brody, Lisette20189781944229801
On to Chicago James Rogan20189781944229993
She Caused a Riot Hannah Jewell20189781492662938
Charles E. Hires and the Drink That Wowed a Nation Double, Bill20189781439915929
Biz Mackey, a Giant Behind the Plate Westcott, Rich20189781439915530
Sinking Chicago Platt, Harold L.20189781439915509
Mayor Harold Washington Biles, Roger20189780252050527
New Media Futures Cox, Donna J.20189780252050183
After Silence Finkelstein, Avram20189780520968028
Canned Zeide, Anna20189780520964754
The Ghosts of Gombe Peterson, Dale20189780520969964
Comic China Gan, Wendy20189781439916315
Gaza Finkelstein, Norman G.20189780520968387
James Baldwin and the 1980s Vogel, Joseph20189780252050411
Pigskin Nation Berrett, Jesse Isaac20189780252050374
Beyond Hawai'i Rosenthal, Gregory20189780520967960
Role of Alexander Dubchek Rybák, Pavel.20179783743835306
Action Front BOYD CABLE.20179783736809369
Cleopatra JACOB ABBOTT.20179783736810457
Cyrus the Great JACOB ABBOTT.20179783736810433
Julius Caesar JACOB ABBOTT.20179783736810600
Nero JACOB ABBOTT.20179783736810518
On War CARL VON CLAUSEWITZ.20179783736809208
Peter the Great JACOB ABBOTT.20179783736810570
Romulus JACOB ABBOTT.20179783736810471
The History of Pyrrhus JACOB ABBOTT.20179783736810556
The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass FREDERICK DOUGLASS.20179783736800724
William the Conqueror JACOB ABBOTT.20179783736810396
Cemeteries of Illinois Hassen, Harold20179780252099663
Philadelphia Simon, Roger D.20179781932304275
Chicago's Grand Midway Bolotin, Norm20179780252099465
Pennsylvania Stories--Well Told Ecenbarger, William20179781439914670
On the Stump Scalmer, Sean20179781439915059
The Radium Girls Moore, Kate20179781492649366
Proud to Be a Marine C. Brian Kelly20179781492636595
Against the Deportation Terror Buff, Rachel20179781439915356
Believing in Cleveland Souther, Jonathan Mark20179781439913741
Flowers in the Wall Webster, David20179781552389560
Making an Antislavery Nation Peck, Graham A.20179780252099960
Resurrecting Slavery Fleming, Crystal Marie20179781439914106
Great Moves Sunil Weeramantry20179781936277797
Serbia Under the Swastika Prusin, Alexander Victor20179780252099618
Beyond Bach Talle, Andrew.20179780252099342
The Banquet Albala, Ken20179780252050541
Beauty's Rigor Leslie, Thomas20179780252099687
A History of the World in Seven Cheap Things Patel, Raj20179780520966376
A Half Century of Occupation Shafir, Gershon20179780520966734
Chicago on the Make Diamond, Andrew J.20179780520961715
From Fascism to Populism in History Finchelstein, Federico20179780520968042
Greek Gods Abroad Parker, Robert20179780520967250
Bloomer Girls Shattuck, Debra A.20179780252098796
Founding Feuds Paul Aron20169781492632320
The War Before Independence Beck, Derek W.20169781492633112
Conversations with Lincoln Leidner, Gordon20169781492631316
The American Patriot's Handbook Grant, George20169781492618485
The Parker Sisters Maddox, Lucy20169781439913208
Mister Pulitzer and the Spider Barnhurst, Kevin G.20169780252098406
Ice Blink Bocking, Stephen20169781552388563
Eugenic Nation Stern, Alexandra20169780520960657
We Shall Not Be Moved/No Nos Moveran Spener, David20169781439912997
The Birth of the Anthropocene Davies, Jeremy20169780520964334
The History of Terrorism Chaliand, Gérard20169780520966000
High in America Anderson, Patrick.20159781939430168
House of War G.M. Davis20159781942475187
Liberty's Secrets Joshua Charles20159781938067600
Washington and Hamilton Williams, Tony.20159781492609858
Igniting the American Revolution Beck, Derek W.20159781492613978
Before the Ivy Pernot, Laurent.20159780252096655
The Land of Milk and Uncle Honey Guebert, Alan20159780252097485
Upon the Ruins of Liberty Aden, Roger C.20159781439912010
Lincoln's Gift Gordon Leidner20159781492609674
Love Kephart, Beth20159781439913178
Figure Skating in the Formative Years Hines, James R.20159780252097041
Franklin D. Roosevelt Daniels, Roger20159780252097621
Grounds of Engagement Robolin, Stéphane Pierre Raymond20159780252097584
This Is Not Dixie Campney, Brent M. S.20159780252097614
Chinese in the Woods Chung, Sue Fawn20159780252097553
1995 Campbell, W. Joseph.20159780520959712
Life Along the Silk Road Whitfield, Susan20159780520960299
The Roman Empire Garnsey, Peter.20159780520961302
America's Religions Williams, Peter W.20159780252097706
America's Favorite Holidays Forbes, Bruce David20159780520960442
An Account of Egypt Herodotus.20149783736805224
Code of the Illuminati Barruel20149783736809468
Darius the Great Abbott, Jacob20149783736810440
Genghis Khan Abbott, Jacob20149783736810587
Hannibal the Carthaginian Abbott, Jacob20149783736810617
Queen Elizabeth Abbott, Jacob20149783736810624
The Borgias Dumas, Alexandre20149783736805194
Trapped in Hitler's Hell Anita Dittman20149781936488131
100 of the Worst Ideas in History Smith, Michael N.20149781402293931
Fixing Illinois Nowlan, James Dunlap20149780252096358
The Civil War Leidner, Gordon.20149781402292675
AIA Guide to Chicago Duis, Perry20149780252096136
The Outsider Rottenberg, Dan M.20149781439908433
The Night Malcolm X Spoke at the Oxford Union Tuck, Stephen.20149780520959989
Laughter in Ancient Rome Beard, Mary.20149780520958203
Music and Social Change in South Africa Olsen, Kathryn20149781439911389
Immigrant Voices Dublin, Thomas20149780252094354
American History 1 Head, David20139781423220343
American History 2 Head, David20139781423220350
World History 1 Head, David20139781423221999
World History 2 Head, David20139781423222002
Jumbo's Hide, Elvis's Ride, and the Tooth of Buddha Rachlin, Harvey.20139781939430915
Disinformation Pacepa, Ion Mihai20139781936488988
Who Really Killed Kennedy? Jerome R. Corsi20139781938067112
Ultimate Book of Impostors Graham, Ian.20139781402288692
The List Lover's Guide to Jane Austen Joan Strasbaugh20139781402282058
Pickett's Charge Mowday, Bruce.20139781569805206
The Atlas of California Walker, Richard20139780520966864
Eating Her Curries and Kway Tarulevicz, Nicole20139780252095368
Triple Entendre Vanel, Hervé.20139780252095252
M.K. Gandhi, Attorney at Law DiSalvo, Charles R.20139780520956629
Organized Crime in Chicago Lombardo, Robert M.20139780252094484
A War of Liberation Author Unknown20129781891053900
Hitler, God, and the Bible Ray Comfort20129781936488629
Fabulous Chicago Dedmon, Emmett.20129781891053634
Dead Men Flying Brady, Patrick Henry20129781936488728
Scars and Stripes McDaniel, Eugene B.20129781936488940
The War of 1812, A Short History Hickey, Donald R.20129780252094477
Reporting the Revolutionary War Andrlik, Todd.20129781402269691
Farmers' Markets of the Heartland MacLachlan, Janine.20129780252094194
The War of 1812 Hickey, Donald R.20129780252093739
The History Buff's Guide to the Presidents Flagel, Thomas R.20129781402271441
The History Buff's Guide to World War II Flagel, Thomas R.20129781402271472
Best Little Stories From the White House Kelly, C. Brian.20129781402273728
The Beautiful Music All Around Us Wade, Stephen.20129780252094002
Mary Lincoln's Insanity Case Emerson, Jason20129780252094170
Latinos, Inc. Dávila, Arlene M.20129780520953598
Critical Essays on Barack Obama Rahming, Melvin B.20129781443836227
AP U.S. History 20119781402266188
China: History BarCharts, Inc.20119781423216810
Rome: Ancient History BarCharts, Inc.20119781423216841
Abraham Lincoln BarCharts, Inc.20119781423216742
Explorers Of North America BarCharts, Inc.20119781423216865
Middle East History Levi, Joseph20119781423216919
The World's Oldest Joke Book Crompton, Dan.20119781402261237
New Studies on the Seleucids Makowiec, Jadwiga.20119788323380504
The First Ladies Schwartz Foster, Feather.20119781402242847
Breaking the Code Fisher-Alaniz, Karen.20119781402261145
1858 Chadwick, Bruce.20119781402219856
The Jamestown Experiment Williams, Tony20119781402243547
Titanic Hines, Stephen W.20119781402256677
Maps of Time Christian, David20119780520950672
History Fundamentals 1 Expert Editions, Inc.20109781423215257
History Fundamentals 2 Expert Editions, Inc.20109781423215264
History Fundamentals 3 Expert Editions, Inc.20109781423215271
History Fundamentals 4 Expert Editions, Inc.20109781423215288
American History 20Th Century Expert Editions, Inc.20109781423215172
World War Ii Shakespeare Squared (Firm)20109781423216292
Constitutional Developments of the Habsburg Empire in the Last Decades Before Its Fall Baran, Kazimierz20109788323380269
Illinois Politics Nowlan, James Dunlap20109780252092015
The Yugas Selbie, Joseph.20109781565896345
Dusty, Deek, and Mr. Do-Right Bell, Taylor H. A.20109780252090035
Afghanistan in the Cinema Graham, Mark20109780252091391
The History Buff's Guide to the Civil War Flagel, Thomas R.20109781402242878
Best Little Stories From the Civil War Kelly, C. Brian.20109781402239168
Stealing Secrets Winkler, H. Donald20109781402242861
Best Little Stories From World War II Kelly, C. Brian.20109781402243585
Hands on the Freedom Plow Holsaert, Faith S.20109780252098871
Ride the Thunder Botkin Richard20099781935071570
When Hell Was in Session Denton, Jeremiah A.20099781935071693
What Would Lincoln Do? Acord, David.20099781402223631
Abraham Lincoln Lincoln, Abraham20099781402269127
Lincoln the Lawyer Dirck, Brian R.20099780252095481
Muting Israeli Democracy Schejter, Amit.20099780252092350
The Dancing Plague Waller, John20099781402247361
MASH Angels Kirkland, Richard C.20099781580805537
New Orleans City Guide Powell, Lawrence N.20099781891053405
Hurricane of Independence Williams, Tony20099781402247491
Lincoln for President Chadwick, Bruce.20099781402228582
Outside the Paint Yep, Kathleen S.20099781592139446
Sojourner Truth's America Washington, Margaret.20099780252093746
Charles Sumner and the Coming of the Civil War Donald, David Herbert20099781402227196
Hurricane of Independence Williams, Tony20089781402219979
Speech Rights in America Stein, Laura Lynn20089780252092558
...and a Hard Rain Fell Ketwig, John.20089781402224737
The American Revolution 100 Lanning, Michael Lee.20089781402241703
The Lincoln-Douglas Debates Lincoln, Abraham20089780252096952
The 1933 Chicago World's Fair Ganz, Cheryl.20089780252095504
Shush! Growing Up Jewish Under Stalin Draitser, Emil20089780520942257
Declaration of Independence BarCharts, Inc.20079781423204381
America The 50 States BarCharts, Inc.20079781423202899
American Literature BarCharts, Inc.20079781423203841
Black History: Civil War To Present BarCharts, Inc.20079781423203322
Black History: Pre-Civil War BarCharts, Inc.20079781423203339
U.S. Government Courser, Zachary20079781423200055
The First American Army Chadwick, Bruce.20079781402228728
Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, Volume 5 Cozzens, Peter20079780252098505
The Jewish Role in American Life Kitaj, R. B.20079781435641006
The General and Mrs. Washington Chadwick, Bruce.20079781402248474
An Improbable War? Stevenson, D.20079780857455963
The Civil War 100 Lanning, Michael Lee.20069781402219313
Never Seen the Moon Hatfield, Sharon20059780252099182
Reforging the White Republic Blum, Edward J.20059780807135839
Slave Nation Blumrosen, Alfred W.20059781402228827
Young America Lause, Mark A.20059780252091698
Young Patriots Cerami, Charles A.20059781402224720
Lincoln's Wrath Manber, Jeffrey.20059781402228735
The Battle 100 Lanning, Michael Lee.20059781402224751
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